First Aid – You could be the First on the Scene…Would you know What To Do?
Here’s a quick guide on how to deal with Burns, Fractures, Heart Attack, Stroke, Asthma, etc

First aid for burns

Important to cool the affected area

  • Cool the burn under cold running water for at least ten minutes.
  • Loosely cover the burn with cling film or a clean plastic bag – prevent infection.
  • If necessary, call 999/112 or get someone else to do it.


First aid for a broken bone

Immobilise the affected part

  • Encourage the person to support the injury with their hand, or use a cushion or items of clothing to prevent unnecessary movement.
  • As soon as possible, call 999/112 or get someone else to do it.
  • Continue supporting the injury until help arrives.


First aid for a heart attack

Ensure they are sitting and call 999 immediately

  • The person may have persistent, vice-like chest pain, which may spread to their arms, neck, jaw, back or stomach.
  • Call 999/112 immediately or get someone else to do it.
  • Make sure they are in a position that is comfortable for them (e.g. sit them on the floor, leaning against a wall or chair).
  • Give them constant reassurance while waiting for the ambulance.


First aid for a stroke

Carry out the FAST test

  • Think FAST
  • Face: is there weakness on one side of the face?
  • Arms: can they raise both arms?
  • Speech: is their speech easily understood?
  • Time: to call 999/112.
  • Immediately call 999/112 or get someone else to do it.


First aid for seizures (epilepsy)

Make them safe and prevent injury

  • Do not restrain them but use a blanket or clothing to protect their head from injury.
  • After the seizure, help the person rest on their side with their head tilted back.


First aid for an asthma attack

Help them take their medication

  • Help the person sit in a comfortable position and take their medication.
  • Reassure the person. If the attack becomes severe, call 999/112 or get someone else to do it.

First aid for poisoning and harmful substance

Establish what? When? And how much?

  • Establish what they have taken. When? And how much?
  • As soon as possible, call 999/112 or get someone else to do it.
  • Do not make the person sick


First aid for someone who’s distressed

Ask if you can help

  • Show you are listening and calmly ask them how you can help.
  • Be considerate of what is going on around them and what they need.